Complete Health Insurance Enrollment, Determine Subsidy Eligibility
TULSA, OK – [December 5, 2014] – Tulsa area residents interested in obtaining health insurance through the online Health Insurance Marketplace, under the Affordable Care Act, are invited to “Claim Your Coverage” at an enrollment event taking place on Monday, December 8 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at TCC Northeast Campus, 3727 East Apache. The event is free and open to the public.
The event is an opportunity for uninsured Tulsans to meet one-on-one with health insurance navigators and certified application counselors to ask questions about the health care law, determine eligible discounts or subsidies and complete the online enrollment process. Assistance is available in English and Spanish.
Claim Your Coverage
Monday, December 8
10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
TCC Northeast Campus | 3727 East Apache
“This is the second enrollment period for the Health Insurance Marketplace, and there are still thousands of uninsured Tulsans who will benefit from having health insurance to receive much needed preventive care and access to a primary care physician,” said Tulsa Health Department Director Dr. Bruce Dart. “The enrollment period is shorter this time, so it’s important for Tulsans to start looking at their options now and enroll in a plan. The ‘Claim Your Coverage’ coalition of partners is focused on a common goal: ensuring Tulsans have a healthy future.”
Attendees are encouraged to bring several important documents to the event: social security numbers and/or immigration status numbers for all family members; employer and/or other income information; policy numbers for any current health insurance; and information about any job related health insurance currently available.
The Claim Your Coverage campaign organizers and sponsors include Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma, Community Care, Community Health Connection, Community Service Council, GlobalHealth, Hillcrest HealthCare System, Indian Health Care Resource Center, Morton Comprehensive Health Services, Oklahoma 2-1-1 Helpline, OSU Medical Center, Saint Francis Health System, Sprouts Child Development Initiative, St. John Health System, Tulsa City-County Library, Tulsa Health Department and the Tulsa Regional Chamber.
Call 2-1-1 for more information.