NOTICE: All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed Thursday & Friday, Nov 23-24th in observance of Thanksgiving. We will reopen on Monday, November 27th to serve you.
The Tulsa Health Department’s Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) specializes in empowering young adults to make proud and responsible decisions, as well as educating them about the outcomes associated with sexual activity.
Since 2011, PREP has specialized in empowering young people to make proud and responsible decisions, as well as educating them about the risks associated with sexual activity. PREP staff facilitate evidence-based and medically accurate sexual health curricula (sex education) to students in middle and high schools in Tulsa County. The goal of the program is to prevent teen births and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. PREP works with schools in Tulsa County to influence behavior change and increase education.
Young people who receive medically accurate sexual health education make safer decisions about things like school, relationships, and being involved in their communities. In short, they can see and plan for a brighter and more meaningful future, which contributes to the overall health of Tulsa County. The curricula focus on the prevention of pregnancy, STIs, HIV while emphasizing communication, negotiation, and refusal skills. Lessons also cover healthy relationships, affirmative consent, and the social pressures that influence sexual behavior.
All the curricula taught by PREP staff has demonstrated effectiveness through rigorous scientific evaluations. To learn more, visit the teen pregnancy prevention evidence review here.
PREP collaborates intensively with community partners like Amplify Youth Health Collective and Youth Services of Tulsa to provide Tulsa County youth with the education and information necessary to make healthy choices and to positively change their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs when it comes to sexual activity and high-risk behaviors. This sustained effort has contributed to a decrease in the teen birth rate in Tulsa County of over 50% in the last 10 years. More extensive data is available from Healthy Teens OK.
If you’re a teen looking for birth control, condoms, or STD testing, you’re in the right place! Youth 19 and under can receive confidential sexual and reproductive health care. Parental consent may be required for those under the age of 18 years to receive services.
Central Regional, James O. Goodwin, North Regional, and the Sand Springs Health Center locations are accepting appointments for family planning services for all clients. Call 918-582-9355 (tel hyperlink) and schedule an appointment at one of the mentioned locations to receive family planning/STD services. Parental consent may be required to make appointment. Visit Family Planning for more information.
According to the Oklahoma State Department of Health, “teen pregnancy is closely linked to a number of critical social issues such as poverty, educational attainment, and increased health care costs. Moreover, teen births affect the entire community – not just the teen parents; therefore, community-wide solutions are needed. Teens need to have access to medically accurate, comprehensive information in order to make responsible decisions for their future.” The 2021 Oklahoma Adolescent Sexual Health Report reports that in Oklahoma:
PREP serves youth throughout Tulsa County, primarily in school settings. In a typical year, we facilitate programs in approximately 20 schools in 5 different school districts. If your child attends school in Tulsa Public Schools, please contact our community partners at Amplify Youth Health Collective for implementation details. If your child attends school in another Tulsa County school district, please contact us with your questions.
Target populations based on data include at-risk African American, Native American and Hispanic youth 10-19 years of age in middle, high and alternative schools throughout Tulsa County. Targeted areas include zip codes with the highest teen birth rates. PREP also works to intentionally reach out to youth who are homeless, in foster care, live in rural areas as well as expectant and parenting youth.
On average, PREP serves about 2,000 youth age 10-19 each year.
PREP focuses implementation on middle and high school students using curricula designed for that age group. In some school districts, we serve 7th and 9th graders. In others, 8th and 9th graders. And in yet others, 9-12th graders. The overall goal is to provide multiple opportunities throughout adolescence for young people to receive age-appropriate education.
The implementation schedule is decided by school administration in consultation with PREP staff. All curricula require multiple class periods to implement, typically 10-15 days total. In some school districts, implementation occurs over 10-15 successive days. In others, it may occur 2 or 3 days per week over a longer number of weeks. For details on your child’s school, please email your inquiry to contact us. Please put the name of your child’s school in the subject line. For Tulsa Public Schools implementation, please contact our partners at Amplify Youth Health Collective for details about the program or email with questions. Please include your name and the name of your child's school.
Funding for the Personal Responsibility Education Program comes from the Family and Youth Services Bureau, an office of the Administration for Children & Families in the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. The Oklahoma State Department of Health’s Maternal and Child Health Service (MCH) provides oversight to the program at the Tulsa Health Department.
If your child attends school in Tulsa Public Schools, please contact our partners at Amplify Youth Health Collective for details about the program or email with questions. Please include your name and the name of your child's school. If your child attends school in another Tulsa County school district, please call us at 918-582-9355 or contact your child’s school.
PREP staff teach only what is included in the lessons provided in the assigned curriculum, and do not deviate from the lessons or topics. No content is ever added or subtracted from the lessons. This model is called “teaching to fidelity” and is a required part of the PREP program and supports the data collected in the surveys. The school or school system selects the curriculum to be implemented. Your child may be receiving education on one of the following:
Positive Prevention PLUS
Positive Prevention PLUS is an evidence-based, comprehensive sexual health education program designed to build young peoples’ skills for reducing their risk for STIs and unplanned pregnancy, developing healthy relationships, and goal setting. There is both a middle school and high school version of the program.
Making a Difference!
Making a Difference! is an evidence-based program designed to provide youth with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to reduce their risk for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), HIV, and pregnancy. Making a Difference! uses an abstinence-based approach and is intended for youth ages 12-14.
Making Proud Choices!
Making Proud Choices! is an evidence-based program designed to provide youth with the knowledge, confidence, and skills to reduce their risk for STIs, HIV, and unplanned pregnancy. Lessons and activities in this program provide tools for delaying/abstaining from sexual activity and using birth control consistently and correctly when engaging in sexual activity. Making Proud Choices! is intended for youth ages 12-18.
Love Notes
Love Notes is an evidence-based, comprehensive healthy relationship education program that places heavy focus on healthy communication, decision-making, setting and respecting boundaries, planning and pacing relationships, and the impact of family formation on children. The program aims to teach youth how to build healthy relationships, as well as reduce their risk for dating violence, unplanned pregnancy, and STIs. Love Notes is intended for youth and young adults ages 17-24.
PREP staff are highly trained and have completed a certification training for each curriculum they facilitate. They also attend ongoing professional development sessions on topics such as positive youth development, cultural competency, classroom management, managing aggressive behavior, and team building. Their priority is the ensure that the lesson content is being taught to fidelity in a style that meets the needs of each student.
Depending on the curriculum, lessons include PowerPoint slide decks, short videos, interactive activities, and worksheets designed for individual or small-group processing.
Your child can expect to be treated with dignity and respect in a classroom environment designed to be safe, inclusive, and fun. Staff encourages students to share what they are learning with a parent or trusted adult, so feel free to ask them about the lessons!
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Specialists provide students with anonymous and confidential entry and exit surveys. Students report their demographics, previous behaviors, program experiences, and perceptions of program effects. These surveys, created by the Family and Youth Services Bureau, help understand whether grant objectives are being met.
Prior to implementation, THD PREP undergoes a rigorous protocol with all schools and school districts. This includes an official memorandum of understanding (MOU) signed by legal representatives from THD and the school. The school has the opportunity to review and determine the most appropriate curriculum for the intended audience.
School administration selects either an Opt-Out or Opt-In Consent Form to be signed by parents or guardians. The Consent Form allows parents and guardians to permit their child to 1) participate or not participate in the program and 2) complete or not complete the surveys.
School administration schedules a Parent Preview meeting to be held at least 2 weeks prior to the start of implementation. PREP staff attend the meeting and bring the curriculum for review as well as provide supporting materials for parents and guardians to take home.
For more details, please contact us for more information.
Still have questions about the PREP program? Use the question/comment form to reach out to a team member who can get back to you.
We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.