NOTICE: All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed Thursday & Friday, Nov 23-24th in observance of Thanksgiving. We will reopen on Monday, November 27th to serve you.

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About COVID-19​

COVID-19 is a new disease, caused by a novel (or new) coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. Learn more about COVID-19, THD’s role in a pandemic and local situation updates.​


The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization and declared a global pandemic on March 11, is a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) is a disease caused by a virus named SARS-CoV-2 and was discovered in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. It is very contagious and has quickly spread around the world. Learn more about the Basics of COVID-19 and review the COVID-19 Timeline.

What is Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)?
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, officially named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization and declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, as a new respiratory virus first identified in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. 

Learn about COVID-19. 

How does the virus spread?
COVID-19 spreads when an infected person breathes out droplets and very small particles that contain the virus. These droplets and particles can be breathed in by other people or land on their eyes, noses, or mouth. In some circumstances, they may contaminate surfaces they touch.

Learn More

What are the symptoms and complications that COVID-19 can cause?
Current symptoms reported for patients with COVID-19 have included mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing. 

Read about COVID-19 Symptoms.


The Tulsa Health Department along with Oklahoma State Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is closely monitoring this outbreak and implementing infection control and isolation protocols to prevent the spread of illness in Oklahoma. 

Local public health experts in Oklahoma are communicating with and educating health care providers and other public health partners about the current situation. Tulsa Health Department epidemiologists perform contact tracing on confirmed cases in Tulsa County to determine potential exposures in the community. As of March 6, 2020, health officials reported the state’s first positive COVID-19 case in Tulsa County. You can view updated COVID-19 stats in Oklahoma here

It is also flu season and health officials recommend receiving your annual flu shot, taking everyday preventive actions to stop the spread of germs and taking flu antivirals if prescribed. See our Flu Page for more information.


Testing for COVID-19 is available through the Tulsa Health Department. Tulsa Health Department conducts specimen collection for testing by appointment only. Call the Tulsa Health Department at 918-582-9355 to set up an appointment. View more about testing on our COVID-19 Testing Page.

Contact Tracing

Contact tracing is a process used by public health officials to slow the rate of community spread of an infectious disease by interrupting the chain of transmission. It helps empower residents to act to protect not only themselves but their loved ones as well.

How it Works
After you are tested for COVID-19 the entity where you got tested should call you with your results. So if you got tested at your doctor’s office, you should hear back from your doctor’s office first. If you test positive for COVID-19, a public health professional from Tulsa Health Department will also contact you. Since the very first case back in March, our epidemiologists and contact tracers continue to investigate all positive cases of COVID-19 among Tulsa County residents. A public health representative will check-in on your health, discuss with whom you’ve been in close contact and ask you to stay at home to self-isolate. They also contact the people with whom you had close contact to provide notification of the exposure, ask if they have symptoms and offer guidance about testing and quarantine. Your name will not be given to those you identify as close contacts unless you give permission. It’s important to be forthcoming with the contact tracer as the information is vital to stopping the spread of disease.

Security and Safety
When you receive an initial call from the Tulsa Health Department, the extension number may vary, but will start with area code 918 then 595. If you receive a call on a landline phone, the caller ID displayed will be Tulsa Health Department. If you receive a call regarding contact tracing and you are unsure if it’s legitimate, please call the Tulsa Health Department COVID-19 Call Center at 918-582-9355. Contact tracers will never ask for your social security number, bank information or credit card number. Information gathered during the contact tracing process is not used for any other purpose.

By helping our contact tracers, you're helping slow the spread of COVID-19 and keep Tulsa County residents healthy.

COVID-19 Call Center

The Tulsa Health Department has established a call center available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer COVID-19 related questions. The number is 918-582-WELL (9355). The call center has the capability to connect callers to Spanish-speaking interpreters. For more information, please dial 2-1-1.

THD has activated the Stress Response Team with the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps (OKMRC) to assist with the response. OKMRC are credentialed volunteers from diverse backgrounds, including many non-medical staff as well. If you or a loved one need help coping with anxiety, grief, worry or other behavioral health issues, you may also consider calling the free Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990.

Tulsa Health Department Email Updates

Subscribe to our Public Health Emergency Preparedness Updates. View previously issued updates.

Situation Updates

View local situation updates from City of Tulsa, Tulsa County and the State of Oklahoma.

City of Tulsa

On July 15, the Tulsa City Council passed a temporary ordinance to Title 27 of the Tulsa Revised Ordinances for the adoption of a new mask requirement. Mayor Bynum signed the temporary ordinance July 16, 2020. Read the mask ordinance here. For FAQs, visit City of Tulsa's website. Mayor Bynum signed an amended ordinance on Oct. 1, 2020, which lowers the age requirement for those required to wear masks, extends the sunset clause, and adds additional exceptions. Read the amended ordinance here.

On July 2, Mayor Bynum issued an amended Civil Emergency Order that extends the civil health emergency in the city of Tulsa. Under the new Civil Emergency in Tulsa, all Tulsa bars and restaurant workers are required to wear masks while working beginning immediately. Events planned on or after July 16 with more than 500 people or more must receive guidance from the Tulsa Health Department. The City is also partnering with the Tulsa Health Department to put a Tulsa Health Department Health and Safety Consultation Program in place for businesses that would like additional health guidance for their business. All businesses within the City of Tulsa shall follow the guidance in the Governor of the State of Oklahoma’s OURS Plan.

Tulsa County

Community Resources:

State of Oklahoma

Oklahoma began implementing a three-phased approach to open Oklahoma’s economy back up on April 24, 2020. For information, questions and reopening guidance, please visit the Oklahoma Department of Commerce's OURS plan page.

COVID-19 Call Center

The Oklahoma State Department of Health has established a call center to answer COVID-19 related questions.  The call center is available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. The call center has the capability to connect callers to Spanish-speaking interpreters. For more information, please dial 2-1-1.

Tulsa Health Department has a dedicated call center as well available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The number is 918-582-WELL (9355). THD has activated the Stress Response Team with the Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps (OKMRC) to assist with the response. OKMRC are credentialed volunteers from diverse backgrounds, including many non-medical staff as well. If you or a loved one need help coping with anxiety, grief, worry or other behavioral health issues, you may also consider calling the free Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990.

Previous Public Health Emergency Preparedness Updates





We have 10 locations across Tulsa County that offer a variety of services to help you and your family stay healthy.

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