Tulsa area housing owners and property managers interested in reducing costs and improving health at their properties are invited to join the Tobacco Free Coalition for Tulsa County for a smoke-free housing forum. The forum will focus on the benefits of providing a smoke-free multi-unit housing policy; cost savings, legal feasibility, marketing methods, and successful implementation of those policies.
Across the United States, hundreds of property managers have implemented smoke-free policies and more are jumping on board every month. Studies prove this is a healthy, economical choice for landlords and property owners. Please plan to attend this forum to hear from Dr. Warren Ortland, J.D., a smoke-free multi-unit housing expert and staff attorney with the Tobacco Control Legal Consortium, as he presents the legal feasibility of implementing smoke-free policies in multi-unit housing.
The forum is scheduled for Thursday, October 9, 2014 at the Tulsa Health Department, North Regional Health & Wellness Center, 5635 North Martin Luther King Blvd. from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Lunch will be provided at no cost.
Please RSVP by October 6, 2014 to Deedra Bryant at 918-595-4224 or dbryant@tulsa-health.org.