NOTICE: All Tulsa Health Department locations are closed Thursday & Friday, Nov 23-24th in observance of Thanksgiving. We will reopen on Monday, November 27th to serve you.

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Tulsa Health Department To Offer At No Cost Flu Shots At OSU-Tulsa As Part Of Emergency Preparedness Exercise

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TULSA, OK – [October 5, 2018] – The Tulsa Health Department will host a flu shot clinic on Wednesday, October 24 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at OSU-Tulsa, 700 N Greenwood Ave. The pop-up clinic will be located in the Main Hall and is part of a full-scale emergency preparedness exercise.

In Tulsa County, local organizations including the Tulsa Health Department, Tulsa-area hospitals, law enforcement and other response agencies work with emergency management to ensure community disaster preparedness and response plans are in place. As the agency charged with addressing public health concerns within Tulsa County, THD must be prepared to take immediate steps to ensure public safety from diseases and other health threats. The plans are trained, exercised and evaluated to ensure they are operational. 

“OSU-Tulsa is one of our point of distribution (POD) sites in Tulsa County in the event of an emergency,” said Alicia Etgen, THD emergency preparedness & response manager. “This full-scale exercise will give THD personnel and Oklahoma Medical Reserve Corps volunteers an opportunity to test and improve the plans we have in place. We chose this site as a convenient location for the high-risk zip codes and downtown population. We will also have extended hours for those unable to make it during traditional clinic business hours.”

The flu shot clinic will also kick off the annual “Don’t Bug Me” flu awareness and prevention campaign, a partnership between THD and Hillcrest Medical Center. Louiee Achooee, the campaign mascot, will be on site for photos and fist-bumps.

Health officials encourage everyone age six months and older to receive a flu shot. The more people who get vaccinated, the more people will be protected from flu – including older people, very young children, pregnant women, and people with certain long-term health conditions who are more vulnerable to serious flu complications.

“After the high numbers of flu-associated hospitalizations and deaths across the state last flu season underscores the importance of prevention measures like the flu shot,” said THD division chief of preventive health Priscilla Haynes. “The flu vaccine can keep you from getting the flu, make the illness less severe if you do get it and keep you from spreading the virus to family and other people.”

In addition to getting your flu shot, the Tulsa Health Department reminds you to follow these prevention tips:
• Frequent hand washing using soap and water, or alcohol-based products such as hand gels when hands are not visibly soiled.
• Make “respiratory hygiene” a habit, including use of tissues to cover coughs and sneezes, then disposing of them and washing hands at once. When tissues are not readily available, use your sleeve, never your hands.
• Stay home from work, school, and other public places if you are ill. Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

The flu vaccine is still available at no cost for anyone over the age of six months on a walk-in basis Mondays through Thursdays from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at the following Tulsa Health Department locations. 
• James O. Goodwin Health Center | 5051 S. 129 E. Ave., Tulsa, OK
• Central Regional Health Center | 315 S. Utica, Tulsa, OK
• North Regional Health and Wellness Center | 5635 N. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Tulsa OK

The flu vaccine is also offered at these locations, please call 918-582-9355 for clinic dates and times:
• Collinsville Community Health Center | 1201 W. Center, Collinsville, OK 
• Sand Springs Health Center | 306 E. Broadway, Sand Springs, OK

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